Yb CALGO Yb-doped CaGdAlO 4 crystal (Yb:CALGO) is now recognized to exhibit outstanding properties for the production of high-power and ultra-short laser pulses. It has the broad and smooth emission bandwidth to generate very short pulses (<100 fs). Additionally its’ high thermal conductivity make it is able to hold high power pumping(2 at. % Yb:CALGO thermal conductivity to be 6.9 and 6.3 WK −1 m −1 along the a and c axis); The generation of both very short pulse and high average power femtosecond oscillators has been demonstrated Yb:CaGdAlO 4 (Yb:CALGO)- Yb doped crystals for high power and ultrashort(femtosecond) lasers Yb 3+ :CaGdAlO4 has been recently demonstrated to be very interesting for the development of diode–pumped short-pulsed modelocked lasers. Compared with Ti: Sapphire crystal(the choice for the development of ultrashort laser system producing very short and powerful pulses using the Chirped Pulse Amplification technique,Since the beginn...