KTP Electro-optical Q-Switch crystal datasheet-Laser-crylink

Nonlinear optical crystal KTiOPO4 (KTP) has excellent frequency doubling performance: large nonlinear coefficient, no delixation, optical damage threshold up to GW/cm2, and little change of phase matching condition with temperature. According to practical experience, crystals with large nonlinear coefficients often have excellent electro-optical properties. The successful development of low conductivity KTP crystal by molten salt method has greatly promoted the practical application of KTP electro-optic devices, especially in the field of high-frequency modulation.

KTP Electro-optical Q-switch Crystal—a crystal having a high electrooptic coefficient, a low dielectric constant, and capable of operating at high frequencies

The dielectric constant ε22 of KTP varies little with frequency and is not affected by the electric coupling effect under pressure. ε33 varies greatly with frequency and is not affected by the electrical coupling effect under pressure. Especially at high frequencies, ε22 and ε33 do not vary with frequency.Outside the 500kHz-10MHz region, electro-optic devices made with KTP crystals do not produce parasitic oscillations due to piezoelectric coupling, which are severe in other electro-optic crystals. The thermal hysteresis effect of KTP is much smaller and has high temperature stability.​


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