Cr:GSGG Passive Q-Switch crystal datasheet-Laser-crylink

Gadolinium scandium gallium garnet(GSGG) codoped with Cr is a laser material with high efficiency. An electro-optic shutter element was first utilized to provide Q-switched operation of the ruby laser. Passive Q-switched ruby lasers were achieved with saturable dye absorbers and colored glass (compounds of selenium and cadmium sulfide. Recently the operational characteristics of a dye Q-switch for a pulsed ruby laser was still studied for application in underwater holography. However, the dye Q-switch was limited in durability because of degradation (decomposition) of the dyes and the glass Q-switch was readily damaged. Thus, the tetravalent chromium doped gadolinium scandium gallium garnet Gd3Sc2Ga3O12 (Cr4+: GSGG) passive Q-switch ruby laser-offers for the first time high reliability, durability and high efficiency.

Cr:GSGG crystal—a crystal which shows high efficiency and high reliability.

Cr4+: GSGG has been utilized for the first time to provide a saturable absorber Q-switch for the ruby laser. Single output pulse operation (100 mJ and 27 ns duration) with efficiencies relative to the free-running ruby laser operation of 25-30% was routinely obtained. The crystalline material GSGG:Cr3+ is currently of interest as a broad-band, room temperature laser material. The small separation between the 4T2 and 2E electronic levels of Cr3+ in the system can result in interesting spectroscopic behaviour. People have investigated the temperature dependence of the CW and transient luminescence, and have found it to be consistent with a model for the dominant Cr3+ site in which the lowest energy 2E and 4T2 levels are approximately coincident in energy at low temperature.


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