CdWO4 Scintillator Crystal — A monoclinic crystal with high luminous efficiency

CdWO4 Scintillator Crystal
 is a monoclinic crystal system with good comprehensive scintillation performance, belonging to wolframite-type structure. Compared with other inorganic scintillation crystals, CdWO4 single crystal has high luminous efficiency, short afterglow time, large X-ray absorption coefficient, strong resistance to radiation damage, high material density, and absence of hygroscopicity. Due to these excellent scintillation properties of CdWO4, it has been widely used in nuclear medicine imaging, security inspection, industrial computer tomography (CT), petroleum logging, high-energy physics and other technical fields, especially in the field of medical X-ray CT, container inspection system has very important applications.
CdWO4 Scintillator Crystal
Scintillator is a photoelectric functional material, which refers to a material that stimulates pulsed light under the function of energetic particle(eg,,,etc). Scintillation detectors with the core of scintillators have found utility for a variety of applications ranging from X-ray imaging to high-energy physics Cadmium tungstate is one of the best scintillation crystals for its excellent scintillation properties. The  is the core component of nuclear instrument detection,γ camera, XCT tomography imager and other photoelectric detection equipment. The wide application of CdWO4 crystal has greatly improved the working performance of medical XCT and the efficiency of security equipment. We are committed to customizing high performance CdWO4crystals according to customers’ specific requirements.



Pockels Cells Crystal

Nd: YVO4 crystal qualities