An overview of Crylink's 532nm laser for Medical Application

One of the most often utilized lasers in medicine is the 532nm laser (frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser). Because red substances absorb green laser energy at a rapid rate, blood arteries rich in hemoglobin may absorb the majority of the laser energy. In patients with diabetic retinopathy, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers (wavelength532 nm) are utilized for pan-retinal photocoagulation. These lasers are also used to cure eye floaters in some circumstances.

Gain medium - Nd YAG

In order to emit an infrared laser with a wavelength of 1064nm, the working medium of the laser is doped with trivalent Neodymium ions in a yttrium aluminum garnet crystal.

AO-Q switchTeO2

       We employ a TeO2 crystal as an AO-Q-switch so that we may change the radio-frequency signal delivered to the AO-Q-switch to regulate Q. Roughen the Yd:YAG crystal's side face. Its oscillation efficiency is improved by grounding both sides of it into plane.

BBO Frequency Doubling

Because of its strong transmittance in 532nm and 1064nm and second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility, BBO was chosen as the frequency doubling crystal. BBO replaces the Yd:YAG laser with a 532nm laser. The oscillation is strengthened by coating the harmonic separator with 1064nm high transmittance films and 532nm high-reflective films.



Higher gasification result

Minimal thermal damage

Less bleeding

Low lasing threshold

High slope efficiency

Large luminescence cross-section

Linearly polarized emission and single-mode output


partial irradiation hemostasis:

532nm laser has high gasification result and can rapid cut tissue, is less harmful to tissues around. Meanwhile because of the high absorption rate of red substances to green laser, the blood vessels rich in hemoglobin can absorb most of the laser energy. So 532nm laser is good at hemostasis.

treatment of central serous choroidoretinopathy

treatment of pterygium

treatment of syringoma



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Pockels Cells Crystal

Nd: YVO4 crystal qualities