LiTaO3 electro-optic crystal to measure the electric field - CRYLINK
CLICK HERE LiTaO3 crystal
belongs to 3m crystal system. The transverse electro-optic modulation of the
crystal can be used to measure the electric field. LiTaO3 has excellent
electro-optic properties, it has higher electro-optic coefficient than LiNbO3,
higher optical damage threshold, lower birefringence, wide transmission band,
and high light transmittance. The crystals produced by different crystal growth
methods have different optical damage thresholds, the LiTaO3 crystal prepared
by top-seeded solution method is one order of magnitude higher than that of the
same component crystal. As an electro-optical crystal for measuring an electric
field, LiTaO3 is widely used because of its large electro-optic coefficient,
which makes it highly sensitive in measurement ,and the wafer fabrication cost
is low.