Ce YAP Scintillator Crystal

Ce: YAP is a high temperature scintillating crystal with excellent properties. It has attracted more abroad because of its high light yield, fast decay time (about 27 ns) and neutron sensitivity. The emission wavelength of Ce:YAP is 350-390 nm, which matches the receiving range of photo multiplier tube and has high intrinsic energy resolution (1.3-3.4%). It has strong ability to stop charged particles and high detection efficiency for γ rays, but is relatively insensitive to neutrons, so it can be applied to the discrimination and measurement of γ rays in neutron-γ mixed radiation field. At the same time, Ce:YAP crystal has very good performance. Thermodynamic and chemical properties, non-deliquescence, easy processing, high temperature resistance, radiation resistance and other characteristics, so it has broad application prospects in high-energy ray detection, nuclear medicine and so on.

Ce:YAP – A scintillating crystal with high light yield, fast decay and emission wavelength of 360 nm suitable for γ-ray detection

Ce:YAP exhibits a good linearity of the scintillation response for 𝛾-quanta with energy down to a few keV and a high energy resolution, which is favorable for precision spectrometry in X-ray range. Due to relatively light ions building the YAP matrix, the dependence of the attenuation factor on energy is linear and enables very good energy resolution in the soft energy range of 𝛾 quanta. An excellent energy resolution of 5.7% for γ-rays from a 137Cs source (one of the best measured with scintillation detectors) and a very good time resolution of 160 ps for 60Co γ-rays with a threshold of 1 MeV.



Pockels Cells Crystal

Nd: YVO4 crystal qualities